EARL-V3 Training
October 15-16, 2024, via Zoom
Individuals and groups welcome
What’s Included
Each training day starts at 9 am and finishes at 4 pm. The training is online and we have allowed for plenty of breaks in between sections.
The training course is highly interactive and includes individual and group exercises, discussions and quizzes.
Day 1: The first day includes a history of the EARL and what the intended use is, a discussion about the importance of gender sensitivity and cultural inclusivity, and a thorough walk-through of the EARL manual including each item. Through interactive exercises the group will familiarise themselves with all risk items
Day 2: In group, participants will go through and score their first case, which we will think through in the larger group. This will be followed by a walk-through of how the EARL can be used for treatment planning and the sections of the manual that describes this, before creating a treatment plan. On the second half of the day, another case will be completed and walked through in the group.
Ongoing support
After the course has ended, you will be invited to the EARL community where you can ask questions and be kept up-to-date with any events. As part of the ongoing support, I will also be available for general questions via email.
The EARL-V3 training is mandatory in becoming a certified EARL-V3 user. Certification includes:
Two-Day training course
Complete two test cases (included in the two-day training)
EARL-V3 open-book Quiz
A manual and exercise materials will be sent to each participant prior to training and will also be available online. Assessment summary sheets will be given as printable/fillable PDFs.
Enquiry form
What people are saying
“Can I just tell you how much I enjoyed your training and admired your ability to hold your audience via zoom for a full two days of training. Your knowledge base was inspiring and your dedication to enhancing the lives of young people couldn’t have been more evident.”
- Youth Justice Worker
“Your training was one of the best I have encountered and thoroughly enjoyed!”
- Forensic Psychiatrist
“ Excellent training - really well delivered”
-Forensic Clinical Psychologist
“Overall the training was brilliant and Areti did a great job presenting and had a great use of slide and had a great insight and knowledge around the EARL”
- Social Worker